
The Question of Homebirth

Since when do we need an expert to tell us where we are comfortable? Since when do we need an expert to tell us with whom we feel relaxed and open and able to poop or make love or birth a baby? Read more…. The Question of Homebirth

Traditional Midwifery

We are losing the knowledge and wisdom of traditional midwifery as fast as we are losing the rainforest. Just as we are discovering this incredible knowledge base, it is disappearing. Read more…. Traditional Midwifery

Who Benefits from Training Traditional Midwives?

Davenport discusses the ramifications of training traditional midwives or skilled birth attendants based on conformity to a medical system that may or may not be in the best interest of birthing mothers. Read more…. Who Benefits from Training Traditional Midwives?

The Cut

Female genital mutilation continues to be a reality and a rite of passage for girls in Kenya, despite the laws now prohibiting it. The author tells about her personal observations of this damaging and traumatic practice. Read more…. The Cut

Midwifery Knowledge Spread Around the World

The other way to spread this midwifery knowledge…is to bring it to the US at the conferences Midwifery Today presents here. I’ve seen that each culture that has not been taken over by interventive, mainstream medical birth culture has a lot to offer the rest of the world in terms of midwifery knowledge. Read more…. Midwifery Knowledge Spread Around the World

The Life and Work of a Rope Midwife in Darfur

This fictional composite is an account of the life and work of an imaginary traditional midwife in a Darfur village. It is based on multiple sources of information, including direct experience, observation, personal interviews and the research of others.  Read more…. The Life and Work of a Rope Midwife in Darfur

The H1N1 Primer for Pregnant Women

This first wave of the H1N1 outbreak in North America has now passed, providing us with important information. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) predicts another wave to come around December and perhaps again in the New Year [2010]. Read more…. The H1N1 Primer for Pregnant Women

Craniosacral Therapy in the Midwifery Model of Care

Learn about craniosacral therapy and how it can be used to prevent and health birth trauma. Read more…. Craniosacral Therapy in the Midwifery Model of Care

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