We’ve played on the beach at Waikiki, ridden the Tube beneath the old streets of London, seen a Broadway play and met Bob Marley’s mom. We’ve listened spellbound to black granny midwives from the American South, visited ancient temples in Kyoto and schmoozed with the dolphins at the San Diego Zoo. And those are just a few snapshots of the fun we’ve had together between classes at Midwifery Today conferences!
Remember the all-night gab sessions with new midwife friends, telling birth stories and howling with laughter or crying on a friendly shoulder? You talked as if you were old friends with teachers who have mentored you from afar for the length of your midwifery career. You learned new tricks for managing your practice to give you more time with your kids. You overheard a conversation at the next table about apprenticeship and turned to join in. And your favorite author signed your dog-eared copy of her or his very first book.
That’s just a taste of the warmth and instant rapport you’ll enjoy at a Midwifery Today conference! And best of all, the conference classes are just what you’ve needed: they’re informative, presenting the latest facts and techniques; they’re inspiring, interactive and engaging; and best of all, they empower you as a birth practitioner.
Within a framework of acceptance and harmony, you will soften your caregiver’s heart while strengthening your resolve to serve pregnant and birthing women. In addition, when you join us at a US Midwifery Today conference, you can round up your CEUs while having fun! Take part in the learning and the growing—you’ll be jazzed about your work for a long time after!
At the conferences you will:
- Learn new ideas for serving clients
- Gain an inspiring, empowering education while you earn CEUs (US conferences only)
- Engage your mind and enrich your heart with new insights
- Meet new and old friends
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