Photo by Ben O’Bro
When Vacations Are Not Enough
Burnout is a well-known pitfall among midwives. Murray discusses the midwife shortage and ways to avoid burnout among those who choose this profession.
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About Author: Madeline Murray
Madeline Murray is a homebirth baby, homebirth-turned-hospital-transfer mom, and midwife on a mission to make more mid-wives and bring the Midwives Model of Care to more American families. Madeline’s passion project, Believe in Midwifery, is de-signed to raise awareness among midwives and mothers about the perils of the on-call lifestyle and the changes in practice necessary to make midwifery careers more attainable for students and more sustainable for practicing midwives. Through writ-ing, speaking engagements, and personalized consultations, Madeline hopes to encourage midwives to begin working with one another to reduce burnout and to become aware of their own unique needs to make their midwifery careers long lasting. You can visit Madeline at her website believeinmidwifery.com or follow her on Instagram @believeinmidwifery.
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