Sexual abuse and the reactions to it affect mothers’ whole lives—from thinking about having children all the way to being grandmothers.
Survivor Moms was written to help break down the isolation pregnant women and their caregivers often feel—as though they were the only ones having to cope with these challenges. In 1998, together with a team of survivors, therapists and midwives, Mickey developed a survey project called “Survivor Moms Speak Out.” This survey asked basic questions about the ways in which survivors felt that their pregnancies, births, postpartum and mothering had been influenced by their history as survivors. A total of 207 surveys were returned, and from this number 81 women completed a narrative or contributed a poem. Excerpts from these narratives form the basis of Survivor Moms.
The book also includes some complete narratives along with resources and information from current research. You’ll be able to read the clinical perspectives of midwives and contributions from other health care professionals, and you will learn about the implications of women’s experiences for their care and discover suggestions for working together during maternity care and beyond.
You need Survivor Moms if you are a survivor, a midwife, a mental health provider or if you know a survivor who is on this path. This book will teach you about abuse, mothering and the ongoing journey of healing and surviving. It will also help you discover what you can do to help.
Chapters cover:
- Life before Motherhood
- Pregnancy
- Labor and Birth
- Postpartum and Breastfeeding
- Mothering and Attachment
- Healing and Survivorship
ISBN: 978-1-890446-41-3
- Author: Mickey Sperlich, MA, CPM; Julia S. Seng, Phd, CNM
- Number of Pages: 245
- Format and Binding: Paper—perfect bound
- Book Dimensions: 6 inches x 9inches
- Publisher: Motherbaby Press
- Publication Date: 2008