Robin Lim

Robin Lim is a mother, grandmother, author, poet, midwife, doula and educator who lives in Bali with her husband and children. Ibu (mother) Robin is a Certified Professional Midwife, with the North American Registry of Midwives and Ikatan Bidan Indonesia. She is a founder and executive director for Yayasan Bumi Sehat Birth Center in Bali. Lim splits her time between the birth center and the Tsunami Relief Clinic in Aceh, Sumatra. Along with receiving babies, Ibu Robin has authored 19 books, available in English, Bahasa Indonesia, Italian and Spanish. Many of her articles, stories and poems have been published in Midwifery Today magazine and The Birthkit newsletter.
In 2006 Ibu received the Alexander Langer International Peace Award, notably for her efforts directed at granting caring, competent support to birthing mothers and a non-violent birth to their children; in 2011 she received the CNN Hero of the Year award for her work over the last decade, serving the poor and medically disenfranchised citizens of Indonesia; and in 2012 the Association for Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health (APPPAH) honored her with the Jeannine Parvati BirthKeeper Award.
Robin’s support and inspiration is her family, husband Wil, and seven children. Lim’s Filipino randmother, Vicenta Munar Lim, was a traditional birth attendant in the Baguio mountain region of Luzon, Philippine Islands. Before, during and after WWII she served as a healer and baby catcher for her people. Just as Lim’s “Lola” passed her family tradition of hands-on healing down to her, Lim is already training her granddaughter, Zhouie, in the art and passion of midwifery and service to humanity.
Please visit the clinic website at or Robin’s website at
Robin Lim’s books After the Baby’s Birth… A Woman’s Way to Wellness and Eating for Two…Recipes for Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women were published by Celestial Arts. Lim has two published books of poetry, is a contributor to the Tsunami Notebook (Half Angel Press, Bali, Indonesia, 2005) and newly published by Half Angel; Obat Asli…the Traditional Healing Herbs of Bali.