Issue 127

Midwifery Today Issue 127
Theme: Labor

“Birth” is the theme of Issue 127 of Midwifery Today. This magazine will take you through many aspects of birth, from the amazing action and interaction of different body parts, to the role of fathers, to how doulas help military families giving birth away from friends and family. you can also read more in our continuing series “The Portable Midwife” by Regina Willette and midwives in history by Jane Beal, as well as birth stories, clinical information, and stories from midwives on the front lines of birth.

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Photo Album: Issue 127

Photo Album: Photographer: Kayla Gonzales—

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Wisdom of the Midwives: Birth Practices

Wisdom of the Midwives: Issue 127

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Letter to the Editor

Letter to the editor, by Judy Slome Cohain

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It’s Overdue … Midwives Need to Give Birth to Themselves!

In this opinion piece, midwife Deb Puterbaugh argues that midwives need to stop giving their power to the doctors and take it back themselves.

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Smooth Transitions: Making Hospital Transfers Better

Practical advice from hospital-based nurse-midwives on how to make hospital transfers go better. Read more…. Smooth Transitions: Making Hospital Transfers Better

Amazing Birth

A humorous, sad, and interesting story about a variety of births.

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Vitamin K and the Newborn: The Stories Behind the Evidence

Why are most babies given a substance that only a few really need. This article discusses the need to learn all we can before jumping on a bandwagon.

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The Portable Office: Setting Up Your Midwifery Practice

Many decisions and much planning is required to set up a midwifery practice. This practical article helps guide you.

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Birth Is Not Dead Here

When the local hospital closes, childbirth continues to occur. This homebirth midwife shares the situation in a rural county, where childbirth services are limited.

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