Photo by Aaron Burden
Traditional Midwifery, a Traditional Vocation
Michigan School of Traditional Midwifery (MSTM), an alternative on the route to midwifery, is the topic of this article.
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Photo by Aaron Burden
Michigan School of Traditional Midwifery (MSTM), an alternative on the route to midwifery, is the topic of this article.
Photo by Kristina Flour
Teacher Amanda Hamilton savors the moments she has with her night owl daughter in a touching vignette.
After advocating VBACs for years, ACOG in 1999 flip-flopped and issued guidelines restricting them. Barbara lists a number of ways to fight a such a denial and win. Read more…. 50 Ways to Protest a VBAC Denial
All midwives are educators. While not all midwives are preceptors (clinical teachers who train students), educating birthing families is an integral part of midwifery care. Read more…. Midwives as Educators: Teaching in the 21st Century
The Divine has created perfection in human birth. The Divine entrusts and guides midwives to protect what has been created and what is normal. Women possess innate wisdom of the Divine, and the Divine guides them through the process of pregnancy, labor and birth.
Read more…. Midwifery and Conceptual Models of Nursing: A Comparison
This article discusses what she views as the essentials for a successful apprenticeship.
A contributing editor comments on the Jennifer Williams trial in Indiana, where a homebirth midwife was arrested and charged with practicing medicine and midwifery without a license.
A thought-provoking essay on how we characterize birth and midwifery.
Read more…. Midwifery Model of Care—Phase II: Midwife Education
Mostly I was taught by instructors attached to deep cover, who expected me to collude with the illusion that we were being open and wise. But we midwives know the difference between covering up and peeling off, loosening, letting go – birth language that needs to become our language of education. Read more…. The Flowering of Midwifery Education
[photo provided by author] Baby with Grandma and Author
We worked really hard to get rid of the bed pan, but the bottom line was cleanliness. If we didn’t use the bed pan we would have more blood to clean up and more chance of infection in the clinic. It’s a hard call at best. Read more…. Africa: Journey to the Motherland
Photo by Ravi Pinisetti
This is an interview with Diane Smith, who wrote Birthing with Dignity: a training manual for village midwives and healthworkers. Diane worked in India for JAGORI, educating village midwives in rural India and developed the book based on these experiences.
Just as we each have a responsibility to birthing women to ensure the future of midwifery, as "mother midwives" we also have a responsibility to educate the next generation of midwives. Midwifery is fairly fragile in the US and we must acknowledge our responsibility to protect it. Read more…. Aspiring and Student Midwives Are Our Hope for the Future