Michelle Garey—michellegareyphotography.com
Reclaiming Birth within Community
Midwife Sister MorningStar focuses on birth community in this powerful article. Read more…. Reclaiming Birth within Community
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Michelle Garey—michellegareyphotography.com
Midwife Sister MorningStar focuses on birth community in this powerful article. Read more…. Reclaiming Birth within Community
Monet Moutrie—monetnicole.com
This article by midwife Sister MorningStar provides the reader with insight into newborns and their needs, paying close attention to their sense of sight and the newborn’s inclination to gaze at his mother. Read more…. The Newly Born: Gazing and Human Development
Melissa Cate—www.melissacatephotography.com
Midwife MorningStar shares the beauty of waterbirth in her usual hypnotic and beautiful way. Read this article and learn about birth from one of the greats in modern-day midwifery.
Read more…. As Natural as Water Waterbirth and Instinctual Birth
Midwife Sister MorningStar shares a handout-like article full of wise nutrition tips. Read more…. Wise Nutrition for Pregnancy
Sister MorningStar midwifes a Nicaraguan couple via the telephone through the birth of their first child 1000 miles away. Read more…. Crossing Borders with Andrea
Emily Robinson—emilyrobinsonphotoblog.com
Preeclampsia. Metabolic toxemia of late pregnancy. Toxemia. Sick. Dangerously sick. Or not.
Emily Robinson—emilyrobinsonphotoblog.com
Midwife Sister MorningStar shares the kind of community she is a part of and what prenatal care within their village philosophy looks like. Read more…. Village Prenatals
Leilani Rogers—photosbylei.com
I’ve always thought it interesting that in nearly 40 years as a midwife in private practice, I have never had a case of prematurity. Last year my daughter Kalista had a threatened premature labor with contractions and bleeding at 30 weeks, yet she went forward to enjoy a second home waterbirth of a full-term healthy son. It was no small feat; it took a village to turn around the stresses that had built up in this young 96-pound mother’s life 1000 miles from home with a recent move, adjusting/active toddler, aging dog, dying mother-in-law and stressed husband working out of state most weeks. As the symptoms presented and progressed alarmingly, we created a team and a plan to work around the clock to reverse the impending labor. In-house help, herbs, food every two hours, nutritious rich soups and drinks, loving child care and time for bed rest, meditation, peace, quiet, more rest and ways to talk about fears, concerns and her ideal birth were ways we began to give back to a woman who was giving her all to mother the next generation.
Hallie Dedrick—milkandhoneymom.com
The medical world has developed its own reason based on managing birth, but midwife Sister MorningStar suggests that midwives need to be the voice of another reason—the kind of reason that honors the birthing mother.
Hallie Dedrick—halliedphotography.zenfolio.com/blog
Midwife Sister MorningStar shares her love and admiration of placentas in this beautifully written article. Read more…. Honoring Placenta Wisdom
Ilissa Kolly—www.beanfamilywellness.com
A beautifully written article about the placenta and umbilical cord, also known as the baby’s “first mother.”
Emily Robinson—emilyrobinsonphotoblog.com
Midwife MorningStar speak of nature’s right timing. “Preparing a woman or preparing ourselves for right timing begins with not setting time limits. If a woman’s people take longer to grow a baby, she may, too.