Gail Hart

Gail Hart graduated from a midwifery training program as a Certified Practical Midwife in 1977. She has held a variety of certifications over the years; she was a Certified Midwife through the Oregon Midwifery Council, and an LDEM in the state of Oregon. She is now semi-retired and no longer maintains her license, but keeps active with a small community practice. Gail is strongly interested in ways to holistically incorporate evidence-based medical knowledge with traditional midwifery understanding.

What The Unassisted Birth Movement Teaches Midwives

This whole movement toward unassisted birth should shake us midwives up! I hate to say this because I am a midwife, but we have done as much as docs and hospitals to scare women about birth and to frighten them out of trusting their bodies.

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 Read more…. What The Unassisted Birth Movement Teaches Midwives

Induction and Circular Logic

It’s been said that induction has reached epidemic proportions in this country, but I dispute that statement. Induction is so common that it is no longer of “epidemic” proportions; it is now “pandemic.” Read more…. Induction and Circular Logic

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