Harriette Hartigan

Harriette Hartigan has been photographing pregnancy, birth, and newborn life since 1975. Her book, Brought to Earth by Birth, is a visual, poetic expression of our profound human experience. Harriette is also a midwife, writer, and teacher, with a degree in psychology. Her website is harriettehartigan.com.

Jan’s Corner: The Gorgeous Placenta

It is astounding how much midwives and doulas love and appreciate the placenta, while the general public treats it with an “eewww” attitude. We think of it as an incredible though short-lived organ that through it produces a beautiful baby. Most of us teach our families the beauty and function of the placenta. Before or after we have checked it for missing Read more…. Jan’s Corner: The Gorgeous Placenta

From the Editor: Birth Evangelism

So many women go into their birth experience with fear, rather than believing in the strength of their bodies or the matter-of-factness of birth. Jan and Harriette illustrate this changed view of women’s bodies with an example seen at an art showing. Read more…. From the Editor: Birth Evangelism

Being Midwife

Poetry by Harriette Hartigan

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Women In Birth

The work of birth is ancient, passing from generation to generation of women throughout human history. The knowledge and wisdom of birth is woman’s heritage.

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