Marinah Valenzuela Farrell

Marinah Valenzuela Farrell, LM, CPM, is a midwife with Sage Midwifery in Phoenix, Arizona.

Finding Better Solutions to End Bullying: What an Organization Can Do

This final article in our series on bullying addresses what organizations can do to end bullying, as well as legislative solutions that have been proposed. Read more…. Finding Better Solutions to End Bullying: What an Organization Can Do

Finding Better Solutions to End Bullying—What a Midwife Can Do

This fourth article in our series on bullying explains what midwives can do when they find themselves targeted by a bully. The last article, in our next issue, will cover what organizations can do to end bullying. Read more…. Finding Better Solutions to End Bullying—What a Midwife Can Do

The Target of the Bully and the Effects of PTSD

This third article in our four-part series on bullying focuses on the target of the bully, and the effects on her, including posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Read more…. The Target of the Bully and the Effects of PTSD


This is the first of four articles on bullying, a problem that has been identified within the profession of midwifery, as well as in many other areas. The next issue will feature The Bully (identifying the bully). Read more…. Bullying

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