Issue 46
Summer 1998
Theme: Prolonged Labor
If someone on the starting line said, “Listen, I can give you drugs to put you to sleep and you can wake up on the finish line,” do you think that person would have the same sense of accomplishment about finishing the race? Perhaps our culture-driven concern about prolonged labor robs women of their power. Issue 46 looks at the physiological, psychological and emotional issues having to do with this often-feared phenomenon. Also, a childbirth educator with twenty years of experience explores the politics of her profession.
Cover Photo by Lisa Alexander
- Prolonged Labor: Past & Present—Judy Edmunds
- Politics of Childbirth Education—Sue LaLeike
- Preventing Prolonged Labor—Valerie El Halta
- Shoulder Dystocia: Never Easy—Maryl Smith, CM
- Prolonged Labor in the Hospital Setting—Sharon Glass Jonquil, CNM
- Denial—Sharon Glass Jonquil, CNM
- Anencephalic Birth—Anonymous
- Rhogam: Do Midwives Hold the Evidence?—Sara Wickham
- Prolonged Labor and Normal Birth—Marion Toepke McLean, CNM
- The Spoken Word—Linda McHale, CPM, and Barbara Noble Schelling, CPM
- Two Births—Heather McNair
- Is This Midwifery?—Jackie Kubisiak
- What is Midwifery?—Linda McGivern
International Midwife
- Sink or Swim: Midwifery in British Columbia, Canada—Gloria LeMay
- Birth in Greece: Small Steps Toward Change—Milena Ruzkova
- Guatemala: Birth of a Midwifery Career—Jennifer Gallardo
- Midwifery On the Threshold of Life and Death—Robin Lim
- COUNTRY CONTACTS: Introduction—Editorial Staff
- COUNTRY CONTACTS: Cote d’Ivoire—Aimee Centivany
- COUNTRY CONTACTS: Greece—Milena Ruzkova
- Midwifery Today International Exchange Network
- From the Editor
- Networking
- Tricks of the Trade
- Marion’s Message
- Question of the Quarter
- Journal Abstracts
- Media Reviews—including Wisdom of the Midwives: Tricks of the Trade Volume Two
- News
- Classified Advertising
- Calendar Advertising
- Photo Album
International Midwife
- From the Editor
- Cards and Letters
- International News