- Chapter 1: “The Wonderful World of Twin Birth” by Diane Goslin
- Chapter 2: “Coming to Twins” by Cynthia Caillagh
- Chapter 3: “Twin Birth in Rural Nevada” by Margie Dacko
- Chapter 4: “Precipitous Twin Homebirth” by Veronica Lacquement
- Chapter 5: “Jade and Cole” by Steph Landis Bernholz
- Chapter 6: “Why All the Fuss about Twins?” by Michel Odent
- Chapter 7: “Six Days, Two Healthy Babies, One Extraordinary Birth” by Lana Shlafer
- Chapter 8: “Twins: A Very Special Occurrence” by Valerie El Halta
- Chapter 9: “Temperance and Genevieve” by Lauren Mingus
- Chapter 10: “Helping a Mother with Twins: Choose Your Words Wisely!” by Mary Cooper