
Why Aren’t More Breech Babies Born at Home?

Student midwife Karin Peacock has witnessed the normalcy of breech birth, so she asked the obvious question: Why aren’t more breech babies born at home? Read more…. Why Aren’t More Breech Babies Born at Home?

Coming to Twins

Forty-four years ago my calling to midwifery was initiated through women who had been abused, the extent of which created a need for individual birth plans. As a traditional homebirth midwife by training and practice, I have gone on to serve every type of community, focusing primarily on college-educated, back-to-the-land families, as well as Plain and farming communities. While the childbearing landscape has changed over the 3400 births I have witnessed, my devotion to individualized care has never faltered.

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Honoring Placenta Wisdom

Midwife Sister MorningStar shares her love and admiration of placentas in this beautifully written article. Read more…. Honoring Placenta Wisdom

Routine Active Management of the Third Stage

Midwifery Today mother Jan Tritten shares her thoughts on the third stage and how it isn’t such a good idea for this part of birth to be routinely managed. Read more…. Routine Active Management of the Third Stage

Mercy In Action Midwives Form Disaster Response to Deadly Super Typhoon

Midwife Vicki Penwell describes her experience of providing aide with Mercy In Action in the aftermath of Typhoon Haiyan. Read more…. Mercy In Action Midwives Form Disaster Response to Deadly Super Typhoon

Motherbaby Placenta: State of Emergency

A very emotional and powerful story about the recent Typhoon that ravaged the Philippines and how Robin Lim and her team helped mothers and families in the aftermath. Read more…. Motherbaby Placenta: State of Emergency

Herbal Management of Postpartum Hemorrhage

Midwife Erika Obert provides information on using herbs in the third stage of labor.

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The First Mother

A beautifully written article about the placenta and umbilical cord, also known as the baby’s “first mother.”

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Should We Ban Labor Induction?

Natural childbirth advocate and obstetrician Michel Odent speaks about the side effects of synthetic oxytocin and how these and other reasons seem to suggest that induction of labor should be banned.

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 Read more…. Should We Ban Labor Induction?

Cytotec and the FDA

This is a powerful and emotional article against Cytotec and its use in pregnant women written by one of the most inspiring women in natural childbirth, Ina May Gaskin. Read more…. Cytotec and the FDA

An Update on the Netherlands

A well-written and thorough update on the current birth situation in the Netherlands. Read more…. An Update on the Netherlands

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