Issue 126

Theme: Labor

Labor is a key part of the work of midwifery. Long labor, short labors, fear of labor, orgasmic labor. These are just a few of the many aspects of labor that are covered in this issue. It features articles on labor from well-respected midwives that include Marlene Waechter, Elizabeth Davis, Vicki Penwell, Sister MorningStar, and others. Other articles cover topics on support for sexual abuse survivors, nausea and vomiting of pregnancy, childbirth-related stress, as well as our regular columns such as Tricks of the Trade, Wisdom of the Midwives, the Doula Corner, and more. Don’t miss it!

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A Turning Point in Our Understanding of Human Birth

Just as we are learning about human nature from new perspectives, we are also at a turning point in our understanding of human births. Until now, the focus has been on mechanical difficulties. Countless textbooks have reproduced drawings showing the size and the shape of the fetal skull in relation to the maternal pelvis as a way to explain why the birth process cannot be easy in our species. If the main reasons for difficulties were mechanical, how to explain that, occasionally, women who are not special, from a morphological perspective, have their first baby easily within a few minutes, while others need a caesarean section after one or two days of tough labour?

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The Portable Office: A Peek into a Midwife’s Homebirth Bag

A practical article on the basics for a homebirth midwife’s birth bag. Read more…. The Portable Office: A Peek into a Midwife’s Homebirth Bag

Mary Hobry: A Midwife and a Murder Mystery in Seventeenth-century London

Another of Jane Beal’s fascinating tales of the life of a midwife from the past, who faced the kind of violence we still see to this day.

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Midwifery & Childbirth News: Issue 126

Midwifery & Childbirth News

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What a wonderful world it would be if every mother felt empowered during her pregnancy and believed in her ability to give birth. But information for pregnancy and birth are now found in a world of excessive data, obsession with social media, and self-diagnosis thanks to the Internet. Upcoming generations of parents are found here, and are lost. Between their mothers’ horror stories and the latest forum board on BabyCenter, parents are feeling anything but educated, empowered, and prepared for the journey of parenthood. Confusion, debate, opinion, and fear dominate their circles of influence. There has to be a better way. A midwife can only stretch herself so thin. A doula can only have so many clients. And childbirth educators can only reach those who take their classes.

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Labor and Delivery Care in the Context of a Developing Country

Labor in a developing country can be very different than in a developed country. In this second in her series of article, Vicki Penwell shares the challenges faced by laboring women in the Philippines and other countries.

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The Way of Birth

Sister MorningStar shares more positive stories of birthing to inspire us all.

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The Birth of Eliana Adah

A lovely story of the author’s second birth.

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Of Lavender and Labor

Lavender has long been known to assist with sleep and relaxation. New studies are coming out that show its usefulness in labor.

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Labor: Short and Long; Physical and Mental

This great article illustrates, through discussion of actual cases, the many variations that labor may take and how diet, fear, and even religious beliefs may affect it.  Read more…. Labor: Short and Long; Physical and Mental

The Labor of Giving Birth

Labor can be long or short—it’s all normal. Organizations that make policy regarding birth are finally beginning to come to terms with that fact.

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Tricks of the Trade

Tricks of the Trade: Issue 126

Tricks of the Trade: Gail Hart, Mary Bernabe, Janice Marsh-Prelesnik, Margie Kline, Beth Bailey Barbeau, Samantha Norman, Ann Noviello, and Tracy Pemberton

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