Issue 146

Birth of the First Mother

Anna held her jewel of a son in her arms. A halo seemed to surround them as she beamed her love into his face, cradling him like a Mother Mary. It was her third birth but first homebirth. We were village midwives back then, some 40+ years ago now.

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Trauma-informed Care for Midwives

Imagine being a survivor of trauma, seeking medical care or social services and being met with indifference, insensitivity, or hostility. Unfortunately, this scenario is all too common for many individuals who have experienced trauma. That’s why trauma-informed care is so important. Read more…. Trauma-informed Care for Midwives

A Travelling Midwife: Four Births

Names have been changed to protect the real people involved.
My travelling midwife days began in South Africa. South Africa is a vast country and often families who live on farms wanted to remain in their homes to birth their babies. I would drive for up to six hours and sometimes longer to arrive at their homes.

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