The Great Sacred Sisterhood

Midwifery Today, Issue 133, Spring 2020.
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I built a fire from my more than half-century of professional certificates, handouts, conference lectures, pictures, articles, manuscripts, and journals, and made my prayers.

I saw how quickly our life work dissolves.

I saw that the Creator makes something else of it. Something not of our making.

I prayed that what I release be alive in me and not in the papers.

I breathed a tear for the wrongs and errors I visited upon the people along my path.

I breathed love for the world.

Alone, I climbed the high mountain waving my cedar bough palm leaves.

I sang the Cherokee Morning Blessing Song loud enough to echo through the waters and the rocks.

I remembered my ancestors.

I remembered you.

All around the world I remembered you.

Echoed howls, I remembered you.

And I howled back.

That echo will be my heart beat until I see you again.

Blessed Be. Bravely Be. Bright Be.

Sister MorningStar and the Wild Garlic Council

About Author: Sister MorningStar

Sister MorningStar has dedicated a lifetime to the preservation of instinctual birth. She birthed her own daughters at home and has helped thousands of other women find empowerment through instinctual birth. She is the founder of a spiritual retreat center and author of books related to instinctual and spiritual living. She lives as a Cherokee hermitess and Catholic mystic in the Ozark Mountains of Missouri. Visit her on the web at:

The Power of Women: Instinctual Birth Stories: When women embarked on their journey into womanhood and motherhood, stories from their grandmothers, great-grandmothers and ancestors came forth through songs, stories and what appeared as mythological tales. Upon hearing these stories, women became empowered to do what all women from which they came were able to do: give birth instinctually.

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