Tricks of the Trade – Issue 141
Midwifery Today, Issue 141, Spring 2022.Join Midwifery Today Online MembershipUsing Traditional RemediesSkullcap for elevated blood pressure. One dropperful initially, repeat in an hour if still elevated.—Marielle TomlinAngelica tincture to help the placenta release. One dropperful by mouth. Takes five minutes to work.—Carolyn GreenfieldApple cider vinegar.—Susan DiNataleHoney. It is a miraculous food and healer. I keep Manuka honey for cuts. I had an accident on my horse and he stepped on my leg. I was in wound care for over six months and they used medical grade Manuka honey on the open wound. I have used it on myself, my horse, and other critters. When you sit down, put some in your tea. I have had women just swallow a spoonful for a sore throat. It’s great stuff.—Vicki Gilbert ZiemerHerbal (sitz) bath for all. I carry tinctures such as shepherd’s purse, Placenta Ease, Angelica, cotton root, raspberry leaf. Also, Rescue Remedy, essential oils (especially peppermint), arnica, a massage blend, and Yunnan Baiyao.—Sabrina Simmons FerrageI rarely use anything, as women’s bodies know best. However, I have suggested shiatsu, acupuncture, essential oils, and homeopathy for those few cases where some extra help is needed.—Imma SarriesCuachalalate tea for kidney and urinary tract infections. SEA-90 for premature labor. Arrowroot for eclampsia. Witch hazel tincture for postpartum hemorrhage.—Gwendolyn PoseyCatnip and fennel tincture. Helps for stomach cramps and flu.—Tracy PembertonSlow PlacentasRemember, classical midwifery is about prevention. Before the second stage, make sure her bladder has been emptied within the hour or so. A full bladder can inhibit the descent of the placenta and even cause hemorrhage. Then I use a dropperful of Angelica root and mistletoe tinctures, and gravity. If that doesn’t do it and she’s not bleeding profusely, I either wait or investigate why it’s not coming. Don a sterile glove, follow the cord up, and… Read more…. Tricks of the Trade – Issue 141