Photo by Teresa Fox Magri
Umbilical Cord Mementos
Editor-in-Chief, Jan Tritten, invited her cousin to give a tutorial on creating an umbilical cord memento. Read more…. Umbilical Cord Mementos
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Photo by Teresa Fox Magri
Editor-in-Chief, Jan Tritten, invited her cousin to give a tutorial on creating an umbilical cord memento. Read more…. Umbilical Cord Mementos
Photo by Lisa Hobbs
Midwife Erika Obert provides information on using herbs in the third stage of labor.
Photo by Diana Paul
Diana Paul shares about the birth revolution movement that was begun at a recent Midwifery Today conference. Read more…. The Turquoise Revolution
Wikimedia Commons
A wonderful article about the umbilical cord and reasons why it should not be cut prematurely. Read more…. Premature Ligation of the Umbilical Cord
Photo by Heidy Norel Frames
Midwife Gina DaCosta Rivera (middle) at a birth
Midwife Gina Dacosta Rivera shares her country’s traditions and beliefs surrounding the umbilical cord.
Sophia Williams—sophiabirth.com
Research shows that artificially rupturing the amniotic sac (amniotomy) can cause umbilical cord prolapse. Read more…. Amniotomy and Cord Prolapse
Ilissa Kolly—www.beanfamilywellness.com
A beautifully written article about the placenta and umbilical cord, also known as the baby’s “first mother.”
Leilani Rogers—photosbylei.com
Natural childbirth advocate and French obstetrician Michel Odent sheds light on the history of cord cutting while interpreting the contradiction of routine interference and current scientific research.
Read more…. Cord Cutting: in the Framework of Neonatal Beliefs and Rituals
Emily Robinson—emilyrobinsonphotoblog.com
A wonderful article highlighting the importance of caring for the umbilical cord at the proper time.