Issue 134

“Call the Midwife”: Jennifer Worth, a Twentieth Century British Midwife, and the Birth of Conchita Warren’s 24th Baby on TV vs. in Real Life

I started watching the BBC television series “Call the Midwife” after everyone and her mother had recommended it to me. In the first episode, set in 1957, Jenny Lee arrives at Nonnatus House, a nursing convent in London, as the new midwife on staff. I was intrigued.

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 Read more…. “Call the Midwife”: Jennifer Worth, a Twentieth Century British Midwife, and the Birth of Conchita Warren’s 24th Baby on TV vs. in Real Life

Covid-19 in Nigeria

The novel coronavirus, which causes Covid-19, is a new life-threatening disease. Covid-19 is a worldwide health hazard that is now spreading throughout the world.  Read more…. Covid-19 in Nigeria

Covid-19 in Iran

Iran is an ancient country in the Middle East, with 7000 years of history and a population of more than 83 million. Every year around 1,300,000 children are born in Iran, and there are more than 55,000 midwives currently available.

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Keeping Waterbirth Safe During Covid-19

All the research shows that water reduces the rate of infection in all three participants—mother, baby, and provider—and in some cases makes contaminants non-viable. This was the answer I gave to the first person, a hospital midwife from Italy, who asked about restrictions for using water for labor and birth during the Covid-19 outbreak. She sent a message on March 20 and I recommended that they continue with their established hospital waterbirth practice and, where and when necessary, use full personal protection equipment (PPE). Read more…. Keeping Waterbirth Safe During Covid-19

Ecuador’s New Life Birthing Centers at the Time of Covid-19

Times are challenging right now all over the world—especially in areas of low resources, where supplies are already stretched thin and cultural barriers exist.
New Life Birthing Centers is a US 501(c)(3) nonprofit, which plants and operates holistic birthing centers that offer free evidence-based care in low resource countries. We currently operate in the Andean area of Ecuador and are opening in the Dominican Republic.

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Pregnancy on High: Is Cannabis Better or Worse than Pharmaceuticals during Pregnancy?

The number of pregnant American women self-reporting cannabis use during pregnancy rose in 2017, to three to five percent. With more states legalizing the drug each year, that percentage is likely to keep rising, reigniting an old debate about whether using cannabis during pregnancy is safe.

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Letter to My Soon-to-be Parents—As We Negotiate These Unusual Times….

Each day is one day closer to your meeting your baby—how exciting! We all want to do whatever we can to make it the safest, calmest, and most wonderful time it can be.

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A Transition from Medical Model Maternity Care to Women-Led Maternity Care

On an epidemic scale, women in childbirth today are being “cared for” by maternity health care personnel who take control and make decisions for them.…

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The New Coronavirus and the Future of BCG

Between 1921 and the mid-1970s, Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) was identified and studied exclusively as a vaccine to prevent tuberculosis and leprosy (infections by Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium leprae). Let us recall that BCG contains a weakened strain of Mycobacterium bovis.

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Midwives and Covid-19

Who would have thought that a pandemic from a new virus would boldly arrive while we were going about our everyday service as midwives? For many of us, it raises questions about how to maintain our own health while protecting the health of our clients and their newborns. Fortunately, the little that we know about the virus and pregnancy is mostly reassuring.  Read more…. Midwives and Covid-19

Pregnancy, Birth, and Breastfeeding with Covid-19

We are in the midst of a pandemic caused by the novel coronavirus, Covid-19. Midwives and pregnant women need guidance on how to proceed and whether their babies are at risk. Read more…. Pregnancy, Birth, and Breastfeeding with Covid-19

The Conflict Between Humanity and the Virosphere

With the permission of Michel Odent, we find it relevant to save from oblivion extracts from his 2014 book titled Childbirth and the Evolution of Homo Sapien”. The selected chapter is about “Homo sapiens and the Virosphere.” Published originally in 2014 (too soon!), this book is now understandable.

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