Jan Tritten

Una orgullosa abuela: sembrando las semillas del cambio en el nacimiento

Aún no he tenido el privilegio de ser abuela de verdad, pero ahora tengo ese privilegio a través de mi revista, mi otro bebé. Read more…. Una orgullosa abuela: sembrando las semillas del cambio en el nacimiento

The Miracle of Homebirth

Homebirth is the gold standard, God’s standard, the highest standard of Birth possible. The uplifting feeling a mom gets, having birthed in her own power, is unlike anything else in the world. Read more…. The Miracle of Homebirth

Birth Is a Human Rights Issue

…the United Nations Human Rights Council adopted a landmark resolution acknowledging maternal mortality and morbidity as a human rights issue. The adoption of this resolution prods governments to “change the way they view maternal death… Read more…. Birth Is a Human Rights Issue

Traditional Midwifery

We are losing the knowledge and wisdom of traditional midwifery as fast as we are losing the rainforest. Just as we are discovering this incredible knowledge base, it is disappearing. Read more…. Traditional Midwifery

Midwifery Knowledge Spread Around the World

The other way to spread this midwifery knowledge…is to bring it to the US at the conferences Midwifery Today presents here. I’ve seen that each culture that has not been taken over by interventive, mainstream medical birth culture has a lot to offer the rest of the world in terms of midwifery knowledge. Read more…. Midwifery Knowledge Spread Around the World

Midwifery Today Birth Experiences

Three Different Births – A New Chance – In Control of Birth – An Unexpected Cesarean – Min Yi’s Miraculous Maternity

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 Read more…. Midwifery Today Birth Experiences

The Power Belongs to Motherbaby

While herbs and other remedies have their use in pregnancy, we need to remember that it’s the women and their babies who actually do the birthing. Read more…. The Power Belongs to Motherbaby

Mother and Baby Baboons

Jan took a recent trip to South Africa to scout out a potential Midwifery Today conference. She shares in photos and essay some of her experiences with a marauding mother and baby baboon she encountered there. Read more…. Mother and Baby Baboons

Baby’s Choice

What would a baby choose for her birth? Editor-in-Chief Jan Tritten encourages us to think about what a baby might choose for birth and respect the baby, as well as the mother. Read more…. Baby’s Choice

Technology: Stemming the Tide

Technology can make take away the beauty of birth, when used unnecessarily. Editor Jan Tritten argues that midwives are in a position to change the tide of unnecessary technology, using the evidence that is accruing. Read more…. Technology: Stemming the Tide

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