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Pregnancy and the H1N1 Flu Virus

As midwives consider the potential impact of the new H1N1 Flu virus on our clients, it serves us well to consider modalities and options for preventative treatment. Although the mainstream is pro-vaccination, there are many varied opinions on the matter to take into account. Read more…. Pregnancy and the H1N1 Flu Virus

Opciones de Parto en Venezuela

article in Spanish; One of the “good guys,” Fernando Molina enlightens us on the situation regarding birth choices in Venezuela, in both Spanish in this online article and in English in Midwifery Today Issue 86. Read more…. Opciones de Parto en Venezuela

Perinatal Mood Disorders: Understanding and Helping

Nothing I suggested made her feel better and I recognized from experience that she likely had more than one form of perinatal mood disorder. She was too anxious to know when things were okay and too depressed to follow up on suggestions when they weren’t okay; and sleep deprivation magnified all of it. Read more…. Perinatal Mood Disorders: Understanding and Helping

Todas Somos Parteras

Hace siglos el nombre partera y sus variantes, matrona y comadrona, se registran en la biblia y en cada continente para definir a la mujer sabia, con habilidades específicas para atender a la madre y su criatura durante la gestación, el parto y el cuidado posparto. ¿De dónde nace el nombre y sus atributos? Cada país o región nos muestra un pedazo de historia similar y otro distinto. Algo que tenemos en común es que por varios siglos la profesión se aprende entre mujeres en el ambiente social. Read more…. Todas Somos Parteras

Anciona Juarez Arrozco

Anciona Juarez Arrosco tells the story of a traditional Mexican midwife, who has practiced for more than 30 years. Taken from the book, Voices of the Maya Midwives, by Sarah Proechel, the article relates some of the traditional herbal and other practices of midwifery that have been in use for many years. Read more…. Anciona Juarez Arrozco

Liberty in Midwifery and Birth

Jan and I were discussing our upcoming conference, titled Liberty in Midwifery and Birth. I realized that I did not fully understand the meaning of liberty, so I looked it up in the dictionary. I was amazed at the correlations between the meaning of liberty and the needs of birthing women. Read more…. Liberty in Midwifery and Birth

Good Dental Care a Must for Moms-to-be

Pregnancy is a time filled with many changes to the body. As midwives and moms know, these changes affect virtually all of the body. One area that may not get the attention it deserves is the teeth and gums. Read more…. Good Dental Care a Must for Moms-to-be

Luna Llena: Centro de iniciación a la partería en Oaxaca

De todas maneras nosotras atendemos el parto con nuestro conocimiento, nuestras hierbas, nuestras sobadas y nuestros rezos porque la partera significa vida, luz, amor, trabajo, mujer, responsabilidad, confianza, calidad, economía, esmero, cariño, amabilidad, satisfacción. Esto es lo que nos hace indispensables y diferentes. Y por esto, aunque haya centro de salud en nuestra comunidad las señoras van a atenderse con nosotras. Read more…. Luna Llena: Centro de iniciación a la partería en Oaxaca

Herbs for Postpartum Perineum Care: Part Two

The author discusses uses of herbs for postpartum perineum care, such as gotu kola, comfrey, horsechestnut, marshmallow and St. John’s Wort. Read more…. Herbs for Postpartum Perineum Care: Part Two

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