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El Temascal (chuj)

Article in Spanish. The traditional Mesoamerican sweat bath and its perinatal uses. Durante el primer trimestre del embarazo, es costumbre que la mujer entre al temascal con la partera para aliviar la nausea y las molestias generales. Read more…. El Temascal (chuj)


Herbs for Mother’s Care Postpartum

Handling postpartum issues naturally gives the mother more control and is generally less invasive then going to a doctor. Make sure the mother knows when to seek additional medical care. Read more…. Herbs for Mother’s Care Postpartum

Maturing Midwifery

I have the good fortune to be attending births with younger midwives right now. I see the future of midwifery right before my eyes. These women are smart, alert and have the same vision of care that I do. Read more…. Maturing Midwifery

How to Treat a Vaginal Infection with a Clove of Garlic

Garlic kills yeast. Those who bake bread know not to add garlic while the dough is rising or it will kill the yeast. Instead, garlic is added to the dough after it has risen, just before baking it in the oven. Read more…. How to Treat a Vaginal Infection with a Clove of Garlic

More Than A Magazine: Midwifery Today

The regular and enthusiastic reader of foreign midwifery magazines and journals will sooner or later come across the name Midwifery Today magazine. Both on the Internet and in the writings of the most widely known midwifery experts… there are references that point to the magazine like compasses… Read more…. More Than A Magazine: Midwifery Today

Tableau impressionniste de la conférence internationale de sages-femmes, Paris 2001

Midwifery Today conference, Paris 2001. Une conférence chaleureuse, de sages-femmes de nombreux pays: Islande, Israel, Danemark, Mexique, Suisse, Belgique… Il y avait un bon nombre de sages-femmes de toute la France. Et de pratiques variées, hôpital, libérales, PMI. De três nombreux thêmes de rencontres étaient proposés et nous avons donc pu assister à quelques-uns. Voici pour commencer quelques pensées marquantes entendues au cours de ces journées:

UN CONGRES: ouverture possible de la pensée, du cœur et de la conscience. Read more…. Tableau impressionniste de la conférence internationale de sages-femmes, Paris 2001

Nutrition during Pregnancy

The single most important thing that you can do for your baby is to eat a healthy, well-balanced diet. A well-balanced diet is one that includes foods from all food groups in appropriate amounts, so as to ensure proper nutrition. Read more…. Nutrition during Pregnancy

How to Stay Healthy and Low Risk During Pregnancy and Birth

If you did only one thing to help yourself stay healthy during pregnancy, good nutrition would be it! Read more…. How to Stay Healthy and Low Risk During Pregnancy and Birth

A Word to Fathers

As a father, you play a vital role in pregnancy and birth. Since you are responsible for getting the baby in, you are also a major support for getting the baby out. Read more…. A Word to Fathers

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