Issue 129

Spring 2019

Midwifery Today Issue 129Theme: First Stage Labor

“First Stage Labor” is perceived in different ways by different people. This issue of the magazine makes great reading for practicing midwives, those who are just learning their craft, and pregnant women who want to know what to expect. In addition to the articles on the topic, this issue also includes a timely piece on measles, by Judy Slome Cohain, as well as articles on eating and drinking in labor, midwifing a death, and the connection between midwives and weasels in folklore. This issue has something for everyone.

Cover photo by Elaine Baca ( Elaine is a documentary photographer in Dallas/Ft. Worth, Texas. Her passion is bringing more representation of women of color to the birth and documentary photography industries. More recently, her work has focused on bringing awareness of racial disparities in birth outcomes for African American women in the US. As the daughter of an active duty Air Force chaplain, she has lived across the US, from Florida to Alaska. She now lives in Waxahachie, Texas, with her husband and two daughters.

Pictured: Deitra had two previous births in the hospital and wanted something different for her third. With her midwives’ support she experienced a quick labor and delivery in the bathtub at home, where her husband helped catch their daughter. After her delivery, she started to bleed and needed to stay in bed, so she couldn’t take her planned herbal bath with the baby. Because it was important to Deitra, her husband, Kevin, and their older kids volunteered to get in and spend the time bonding with the new baby.

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